Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Big Hole in the Ground

Well, it's been a really great week. Poppy's sister, the Sister was here. We went on the boat and chilled around the pool (does that make sense?) and visited with Rosebud, Cissy, & Toots. Sis loved being with Soybean & Juju & the rest of us too :) One day, Poppy, Sis, & I went to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon with friends from back home, TR & Charles.
It was Sis's first time to the Grand Canyon, and it was great! The drive there was very nice. Just before we got to the Welcome Center, we drove through a Joshua Tree forest. Then we got to the Big Hole in the Ground. My stomach was in knots for the rest of the day. You can't see it, but the sign says, Caution: Falling Hazard. No, duh.

Here's Sis, enjoying her first trip to the Grand Canyon.

Here are Poppy, Sis, TR & Charles on the Skywalk. They're the 4 people farthest to the left, Poppy in a dark jacket & Sis in yellow, TR in orange, & Charles in white. It extends 70 feet over the Canyon, which is 4000 feet below. You can see through the floor. I chose not to enjoy the sensation of being suspended in such a manner.

Below is the "eagle" of Eagle Point. You can see the wings spreading out from the center of the picture.

This is from where we ate lunch. It was called Guano Point, after the mining that was done for bat guano. EEWWWwwww. I wish I could find an aerial photo of our picnic spot -- you wouldn't believe that I was that close to the edge!

There was a pathway to a neat (if you like that kind of thing) hill where you could get a 360 degree view. We were on a penninsula jutting out into the Canyon, so it was on all sides.

This was taken from our lunch spot. Those are people walking up the path to the top.

Below is the Colorado River, just before Lake Mead.

I was finally able to smile (I'm not showing the other pix of me.) Yeah, that's the edge right behind us.

I'm really glad we went, even though it was hard with my wonderful fear of heights. You combine that with the idiots there who try their hardest to prove that they're not afraid of falling 4000-4800 feet to their death, and it can be just a tad unnerving.

But we all made it home safely.


Anonymous said...

What a brave little lady I married. She was a trooper the entire time...(except when the guy almost fell in the canyon, and was more worried about his camera... It was a good showing of ignorance... on the guys part. Not my wife, she was wonderful.

"I live in my own little world but it's OK, everyone knows me here."

Anonymous said...

WOW. A LEEETLE too close. For me. For you. I am proud of you...great pics! I ma glad you had a good time, though!!

Love you...miss you...BFF

Anonymous said...

ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW!!! You did good neenee, I can't believe you got that far. This is the 2nd time I'm writing this comment, it made me so nervous I pushed the wrong button. You got guts and I'm glad you have decided to keep them. Now just think if they had filled all those potholes a million years ago, we wouldn't have to worry about that big hole in the gound. Good thing you're not a member of that Indian tribe - Walapai (SP) you would not only have to go out on the skywalk but you would have to chant. UMMMMM love nani

Anonymous said...

wheeee! You know I've never been there, but any time I'm at the edge of a big drop like that, my only fear stems from the exhiliration I feel. I actually think, wheeeeee! Wouldn't that be fun to jump off of? Maybe, deep down, that is your fear, too: that at any moment, you might just hurl yourself over the edge, just for fun, you wild 'n crazy lady.

or... not.