Sunday, July 29, 2007

See You (mon)Soon!

Some random shots for you today. First of all, IT RAINED! No, really. The funny thing is, it'll say it's going to monsoon for about a week. The clouds dance around us all day,

and the storm comes at us from a couple different directions, but they get here and stop. Especially if Maestro is working. It will NOT rain. The go-kart track will remain open. But last night at 8:20 PST, it hit us. Rosebud & Juju were here for dinner and we were waiting for Bwin to come home from work. Unfortunately, he had to drive about an hour to get here, and the storm was in his path. He's from the Seattle area, and knows what rain is like, but the winds were up to 60 mph and you do have to be very careful not to drive through a flooded area, like a wash. Btw, a wash is kind of like a dry riverbed that takes the water from a storm -- since it doesn't soak into the ground here -- from the high ground to the low. In our case, that's the lake. If you get caught in one of those, you are in serious trouble. Actually, 2 men died the other day near his work b/c they thought their pickup truck could drive through a wash. While we were watching the storm come our way, the power went out and we found a couple of candles to light. It was really nice and quiet! But then came the bad news. Our mesquite tree was down!!!! Poppy and I were really sad!

It may be able to be saved, since the roots are still intact. This was my first official "monsoon" and wow, it was pretty cool. (Bwin made it home safely, of course. He was very smart and avoided the washes.) The lightning was spectacular as we watched it approach over the mountains.

The next photo is for Webster. She requested a current photo of Juju's belly. She's getting a little tired of strangers asking her how much longer she has. When she tells them 3 1/2 months, there's a gasp and a (trying to be polite) "oh my!"

And last, but not least, some more photos from our visit with the kids. Here's Dimples enjoying a ride through the air.

Another pool pic. The kids loved having races across the "beach" area of the pool. Okay, it was Baby's idea and they almost always let him win. They would do this so many times, with Baby saying, "mark, set, GO!" each time.

I got a "kick" out of this stop sign in Oatman --

Here's another cute photo of my 3 kids --

And a very sad Ma3stro and BDE on the morning they left.

Good news! The tree is back up. We'll see if it takes hold. Poppy & Bwin and the Trailblazer put it back into place. Good job!

My next post should be from Cheeseland! I'll miss my friends but I'll be in "heaven" spending time with the kids. Time to finish the post, it's pool time


Anonymous said...

By the way that's Rosebud holding the tree up. Such strength!!! Before the monsoon hit I was sitting outside on the deck talking to Webster and telling her that the lightening was up in the mountain and she said MOM it will hit your city soon. I said no, it always skips us, then it hit. A gazillion lightening strikes. Veddy Scarry but exciting. cu luv rb

Anonymous said...

Well, you know what they say - "Garden Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant." It blew over easily, and was lifted back in place quite easily, so it must be a valuable plant. Hopefully it will stay in place at least while we are in WI...

The lightening was spectacular, I just wish my 3 little kids were there to watch it with me.. :-(

Can't wait to see everyone again...

Half of a large intestine = 1 semicolon

Anonymous said...

Poppy ... did you use that one before????????? :p

Wow ... Havasu was really sad these last few days missing Cissy, her hubby, me and Mumble! At least it got two of them back (well, tomorrow).

Miss you all!!! Keep up those belly pics for me and Webster!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics, BFF...and I am glad you were able to re-plant the tree! I LOVE LOVE LOVE a GOOD storm!!!!! Never been through a monsoon...sounds like I would want to...and I totally mean that in a "good" way!! And I am glad BWIN was safe. look mahvalous, dahling!!! I love your belly, and the three of you together makes me weepy...I miss you guys so much!

Okay, okay...see you in a couple of days! WOOHOO!


Anonymous said...

Way to go


Anonymous said...

I love those pool pics! What great memories.

I hope the Arizona Cactus Wrens are OK with the tree disaster.

Great JuJu pic. Wow. Don't worry, I'm still bigger. But Wow all the same.

I am tired and don't exactly know what to say. Mom says, try:


How's the spelling?