Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quilt Show, Part Deux

Here is the second installment of the quilt show pix. I hope you enjoy them.

This is a log cabin quilt in a barn-raising pattern --

The center of this quilt is all hand appliqued. A brilliant quilter (and a very nice lady) designed this herself. It is also hand-quilted.

For those who like the bright primary colors --

This is another done for a fabric company's quilt challenge (not from our guild) --

A couple more very pretty quilts --

This was very bright--- green & purple!

Another green quilt --

This was really beautful in person --

This was done by a lady who just celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary this summer. I did some finishing work for her, so I'm taking a tiny bit of credit for how well it turned out :)

This was last year's Block of the Month done by our guild --

The next one was not in the show. Cissy wanted me to post a picture of Mumble's quilt. I really love it too, and maybe I'll make another just to put in the next show (2009).

And last, but not least, is one of Poppy's favorites, made for Happy's new baby --

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this virtual quilt show!

For my next blog, I hope to have pix of my new grandchildren :) Especially considering how frequently (by frequently I mean seldom) I blog ! If I really get ambitious, maybe I'll be able to get some pictures of our new hobby -- outrigger canoeing. The problem with that is, that you realy can't take any pictures while you're paddling, and you DO get wet while you're out there. Here are some photos from the group's website. The first one is the double-hulled canoe (there's a better word, but I don't know it yet).

This is a practice run on the lake. And there are even clouds!!

I've also joined the local running club, and they're kicking my butt. I don't mind when they're younger than my kids, but when the 69 y/o open heart surgery patient and marathon runner beats you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY WORD!!!!! I just read three...count 'em...THREE new blogs fro my BFF!!! Of course, I read "It's a Boy" first...and then imagine my giddy-ness when I saw the quilt one...and then ANOTHER quilt one!!!

So...quilts ALL beautiful. For real. I LOVE the Turtles...no bias here...they are just awesome. BUT, my FAVE by FAR...the one you did for Happy. It totally makes her room, and I have pictures to prove it. When I get back to the frozen tundra, I will blog with pics.

I am so in awe of all you are doing with your "free-retired-time" now!! Canoeing...how fr***in' awesome!!! It looks like you have a blast...and it looks like fun.

I cannot wait to see you and to meet this new baby...what's-his-name-baby-G!

Come on T...we're all waiting in the wings for this curtain to rise! Will Baby L have to CHOOSE????

Love you much...BFF